Collection Details

Hydroids of the BANZARE expeditions, 1929 -1931: the family Haleciidae (Hydrozoa, Leptothecata) from the Australian Antarctic Territory

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Collection Details

Jeanette E. Watson
The BANZARE Expeditions (British, Australian, New Zealand, Antarctic Research Expeditions) 1929 - 1931 sampled the marine benthos in the Southern Ocean, at the Kerguelen Islands, Heard Island, Macquarie Island, and southwest of Tasmania and along the coast of the Australian Antarctic Territory. Forty six stations at depths of 2 - 640 m were occupied along the Australian Antarctic Territory coast. Eight species of Halecium including five new and Hydrodendron arboreum were found and recorded from eight stations.
Taxa Groups

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Collection Status
Data collection complete
Watson JE (2008) Hydroids of the BANZARE expeditions, 1929-1931: the family Haleciidae (Hydrozoa, Leptothecata) from the Australian Antarctic Territory, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 165-178
DiGIR Details

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Resource Code: - banzare_hydroids
Resource Name: - Hydroids of the BANZARE Antarctic expeditions 1929 - 1931
Keywords: - BANZARE Expeditions (1929-1931), Australian Antarctic Territory, family Haleciidae.
Basis of Record: - Specimen

For list of all collections published via DiGIR, see AADC DiGIR collections and the DiGIR harvesting point if you wish to harvest records

Data Details

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Spatial Coverage
65° 07' 01.2" S to 67° 46' 01.2" S | -65.1170° to -67.7670°
49° 37' 01.2" E to 142° 36' 00.0" E | 49.6170° to 142.6000°
Date Range of Collection
ASAC_2377 - Hydroids of the BANZARE Antarctic expeditions 1916 - 1931