Collection Details

Moss species from Heard Island, 1987 and 2000

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©Karl Rollings 2004
Catalogue id
Rollings, Karl

Collection Details

Patricia Selkirk
Collection Acronym
During an early summer visit in 2000, mosses were collected from sites around Heard Island. Three species, Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum (Hedw.) P.C.Chen, Philonotis cf. tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt and Syntrichia filaris (Müll. Hal) R.H. Zander have been added to the list of moss species known from the island, bringing the total to 40 moss taxa. Syntrichia anderssonii (Ångström) R.H. Zander was found with sporophytes, whereas previously its sporophytes were known in the subantarctic only from Macquarie Island. Extensions of range on Heard Island have been recorded for several species. There are few geographical differences in species composition between locations around the island, provided appropriate habitats exist.
Taxa Groups

List 35 taxa from this collection
Collection Status
Data collection complete
Selkirk, P.M., Whinam, J.P., Downing, A.J., Skotnicki, M.L. (2008) Mosses of sub-Antarctic Heard Island: an updated list and discussion of their distribution Polar Record 44(229). 155-164
DiGIR Details

See International activities tab for details on publishing data to other repositories.

Resource Code: - moss_heard_1987_2000
Resource Name: - Moss species from Heard Island, 1987 and 2000
Keywords: - mosses
Basis of Record: - Specimen

For list of all collections published via DiGIR, see AADC DiGIR collections and the DiGIR harvesting point if you wish to harvest records

Linked to the following Bioregions

Subantarctic Island - Heard Island

Data Details

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No map exists.
Spatial Coverage
52° 57' 59.0" S to 53° 11' 19.0" S | -52.9664° to -53.1886°
73° 15' 33.1" E to 73° 46' 59.9" E | 73.2592° to 73.7833°
Date Range of Collection
1-Jan-1987 to 1-Jan-2000
ASAC_1174 - Global change, biodiversity and conservation in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems on Heard and McDonald Islands: overall
HI_animaltracks_ARGOS - Animal Tracking at Heard Island 2003/2004 - ARGOS data
ASAC_2388 - Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HIMI) Marine Ecosystem
ASAC_2388_alb_foraging - Preferred foraging areas of Heard Island albatrosses during chick raising and implications for the management of incidental mortality in fisheries