Map 12890: Vestfold Hills

Map details

Map Number 12890
Title Vestfold Hills
Edition 3
Previous edition [Previous edition : 2]
Scale 1 : 50 000
Publication date October 2001
Publisher Australian Antarctic Division (Australia)
Spatial coverage ( 77.8333° -68.2500°) , ( 78.6000° -68.2500°) , ( 78.6000° -68.6833°)
( 77.8333° -68.6833°)
Projection Universal Transverse Mercator
Physical size 98 x 69 cm
Notes Map is compiled from topographic information derived by photogrammetric methods from aerial photography flown in February 1997 and January 1994 with a Zeiss UMK13 aerial camera (format 120mm X 166mm). Insets include photos of refuges and geographic coordinates for the refuges in the Vestfold Hills.
Keywords Vestfold Hills , Topographic , Prydz Bay , Davis , Station , Refuge , Fjord , Sorsdal Glacier , Marine Plain , Topographic


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  1. A print file (PDF)
  2. A zipped image (TIF) for use in Oziexplorer
  3. National Library of Australia Bib ID 3303314 (External site)
  4. A LZW compressed TIFF

Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. Vestfold Hills / Davis - extended list
  2. Oziexplorer maps

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Vertical datum Mean Sea Level
Magnetic variation Magnetic north is 73.8 degrees west of true north
Nomenclature Australian Antarctic Gazetteer


Map extent