Map 25: Bunger Hills West, Wilkes Land, Queen Mary Land

Map details

Map Number 25
Title Bunger Hills West, Wilkes Land, Queen Mary Land
Edition 1
Scale 1 : 50 000
Publication date June 1992
Publisher -
Spatial coverage (100.1167° -65.9333°) , (100.8833° -65.9333°) , (100.8833° -66.3517°)
(100.1167° -66.3517°)
Projection Transverse Mercator
Physical size 93 x 69 cm
Notes SIM
Reference Cat.No:L43 in ANARE Catalogue 1997
Keywords Bunger , Hills , West , Wilkes , Queen , Mary , Shackleton , Scott , Foster , Highjump , Archipelago , Dieglman , Penal , Currituck , Edisto , Seryy , Geologov , Vertoletnyy , Krylatyy , Krayniy , Transkriptsii , Hordern , Edgeworth , David , Paz , Dolgoe , Dobrowlski , Algae , Apfel , Taylor , Satellite Imagery , SIM


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Map Lists

This map belongs to the following lists. Use the link on the list to see all maps belonging to that list

  1. ANARE Catalogue of Maps and Hydrographic Charts 1997
  2. Bunger Hills
  3. Satellite image maps

Additional Information

Horizontal datum WGS84
Magnetic variation 89 degrees west in 1991
Nomenclature Australian Antarctic Gazetteer


Map extent