ARGOS Campaign

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2008/09 - Satellite tracking of southbound East Australian humpback whales

Investigator:- Nick Gales
Purpose:- Tracking spring and summer migration of humpbacks from Eden NSW, Australia to Antarctica.
Span:- From 20-Oct-2008 to 28-Apr-2009
Projects:- Passive acoustic monitoring of antarctic marine mammals
Conservation and Management Science of Marine Mammals
Publications:- Gales, N., Double, M.C., Robinson, S., Jenner, C., Jenner, M., King, E., Gedamke, J., Paton, D, and Raymond, B. (2009) Satellite tracking of southbound East Australian humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae): challenging the feast or famine model for migrating whales 2008 meeting of the International Whaling Commission - Scientific Committee, Paper SC/61/SH17 12pp (View)
Taxa:- Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski,1781) (Humpback Whale) Profile
Data types:- Argos PTT.
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