Search for Data

Use this search form to display or extract biological observations from collections, voyages, bioregions etc..

Note - current search for data restricted to a single taxa. There are 24 observations.

Species Eudyptes sclateri Buller,1888 (Erect-crested Penguin) Profile
Collections Seabirds of the Southern and South Indian Ocean     Collection details
Spatial Coverage
You can use the controls below or edit the area of interest on the map to help find the coordinates to use above.
Date Range of Observations - Use dates Between
Type of Observations Either Display all attributes that were measured.

or Pick a Sampling Protocol and its related attributes

or Restrict to those checked below. (Click on attribute to see its properties)

Air pressure
Air Temperature
Number of individuals
Water Temperature
Subsetting using attributes Yes No - Select Yes if you wish to select data with specific values of the attributes
Report options

Pick what to report
Observation Date
Species      Sex    Lifestage
Position (latitude, longitude and/or elevation)
Depth (marine or lake data)
Collector/Observer's name
Observation count
Identified/Determined by
Named Location
Positions in Deg Min Sec or Decimal degrees
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Output Format -- If Excel, Word or KML, enter its filename (ignoring extension)