Taxonomic Drilldown

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Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Malacostraca
Order Amphipoda
Family Lysianassidae

List of all species - see Taxon profile using the number

Genus Allogaussia
Allogaussia navicula (K.H. Barnard, 1932)
Genus Ambasiopsis
Ambasiopsis uncinata K.H.Barnard, 1932
Genus Cheirimedon
Cheirimedon crenatipalmatus Stebbing, 1888
Genus Coriolisa
Coriolisa sculptidentata
Genus Ekelofia
Ekelofia sp MoV 2340
Genus Eurythenes
Eurythenes gryllus (Lichtenstein, 1822)
Eurythenes obesus (Chevreux, 1905)
Genus Falklandia
Falklandia reducta (Schellenberg, 1931)
Genus Hippomedon
Hippomedon kergueleni (Miers,1875)
Hippomedon major (K.H. Barnard, 1932)
Genus Lepidepecreoides
Lepidepecreoides xenopus K.H. Barnard, 1931
Genus Lepidepecreum
Lepidepecreum foraminiferum Stebbing, 1888
Lepidepecreum infissum Andres, 1983
Genus Orchomene
Orchomene cf. macronyx (Chevreux)
Orchomene cf. plebs (Hurley)
Orchomene franklini (Walker)
Orchomene pinguides (Walker)
Orchomene plebs (Hurley, 1965)
Orchomene rossi (Walker, 1903)
Orchomene sp.
Genus Orchomenella
Orchomenella acanthura (Schellenberg, 1931)
Orchomenella franklini (Walker, 1903)
Orchomenella pinguides Walker, 1903
Orchomenella sp MoV 2333
Orchomenella sp MoV 2334
Genus Parschisturella
Parschisturella carinata (Schellenberg, 1926)
Parschisturella simplex Andres, 1983
Genus Shackletonia
Shackletonia robusta K.H. Barnard, 1931
Genus Sophrosyne
Sophrosyne antarctica Ren, 1991
Sophrosyne murrayi Stebbing, 1888
Genus Tryphosella
Tryphosella barbatipes
Tryphosella bispinosa (Schellenberg, 1931)
Tryphosella longiseta Ren, 1991
Tryphosella macropareia (Schellenberg, 1926)
Tryphosella sp.
Genus Uristes
Uristes adarei (Walker, 1903)
Uristes albinus (K.H. Barnard, 1932)
Uristes georgianus (Schellenberg, 1931)
Uristes murrayi (Walker, 1903)
Uristes sp MoV 2462
Uristes sp. Synonym
Genus Waldeckia
Waldeckia obesa (Chevreux 1905)
Waldeckia sp MoV 2329