Taxonomic Drilldown

At any stage, you can move up or down the Taxonomic hierachy of Antarctic/subantarctic species by clicking on any name. Lower level taxon counts are shown in [].

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Kingdom Chromista
Phylum Ochrophyta
Class Dinophyceae
Order Prorocentrales
Family Prorocentraceae

List of all species - see Taxon profile using the number

Genus Mesoporos
Mesoporos perforatus (Gran) Lillick, 1937
Mesoporos sp.
Genus Prorocentrum
Prorocentrum antarcticum (Hada) Balech, 1975
Prorocentrum balticum (Lohmann) Loebl., 1970
Prorocentrum cf. balticum
Prorocentrum compressum (Bailey) Ab¿ ex. Dodge, 1975
Prorocentrum magnum (Gaarder, 1954) Dodge, 1975
Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard, 1916) Schiller, 1931
Prorocentrum sp.
Prorocentrum triangulatum Martin, 1929