Taxonomic Drilldown

At any stage, you can move up or down the Taxonomic hierachy of Antarctic/subantarctic species by clicking on any name. Lower level taxon counts are shown in [].

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Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Chlorophyta
Class Chlorophyceae
Order Volvocales

List of all species - see Taxon profile using the number

Family Chlamydomonaceae
Polytoma papillata Pascher, 1927
Family Chlamydomonadaceae
Chlamydomonas aff. heterogama Gerl.
Chlamydomonas cf. snowiae
Chlamydomonas intermedia Chodat
Chlamydomonas moewussii Gerl.
Chlamydomonas sp.
Chlamydomonas sp. 1
Chlamydomonas spp.
Family Unknown
Chloromonas bolyaiana (Kol) Gerloff & Ettl in Ettl
Chloromonas brevispina (Fritsch) Hoh., Roem. & Mull.
Chloromonas rosae (Ettl H. & O.) Ettl
Chloromonas sp. 1
Family Volvocaceae
Gonium sociale (Dujardin) Warming 1876
Pandorina morum (O.F. MĀ³ller) Bory 1924
Pandorina sp.