Feature Types

Search restricted to attribute 1005 - Age

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Code Feature Type Definition
173 Erratic Glacially transported stones and boulders. Erratics may be embedded in till or occur on the ground surface. They range in size from pebbles to huge boulders weighing thousands of tons. Their transport range from less than 1 km to more than 800 km. Erratics composed of distinctive rock types can be traced to their point of origin and serve as indicators of glacial flow direction.
188 Fossil A specific location of a fossil site.
241 Marker bed A geological formation serving as a marker - an easily recognised stratigraphic feature with distinctive characteristics traceable over long distances.
279 Rock Any aggregate of minerals that makes up part of the earth's crust. It may be unconsolidated, such as sand, clay, or mud, or consolidated, such as granite, limestone, or coal.