Name details
Ruhnkeberg (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)
Ruhnkeberg (The name as it would appear on a map)
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Germany Gazetteer Id 107070
Feature type:
This name originates from Germany.
It is part of the
Germany Gazetteer and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.
Names that other countries have for this feature:
The ridge comprises the mountain chain of Festninga and the nunataks of Øvrevollen, E of Gjelsvikfjella and W of Preuschoffrücken, Mühlig-Hofmann-Gebirge, Fimbulheimen, Neuschwabenland, Dronning Maud Land. Discovered during German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39 ('Neuschwabenland-Expedition') under Alfred Ritscher.
Named For
Herbert Ruhnke (1914-1945), radio operator onboard the expedition's Dornier flying boat 'Passat'.
72° 08' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
3° 40' 00.0" E
Unknown precision
2533 m
Unknown precision
No images of this place could be found.
Source Institution:
Source Publisher:
Remote sensing:
Not Applicable
Published by Ritscher, A. et al. (1939): Vorbericht (preliminary report) über die Deutsche Antarktische Expedition 1938/39. - Ann. Hydrogr. u. Marit. Meteorol. 67, August-Beiheft. Darin: Übersichtstafel von dem Arbeitsgebiet der Deutschen Antarktischen Expedition 1938/39: Neuschwabenland: 1:1.500.000 - 1. Ausgabe Mai/Juni 1939. - Ritscher, A. (Editor)(1942): Deutsche Antarktische Expedition 1938/39 mit dem Flugzeugstützpunkt der Lufthansa A.G. M.S. 'Schwabenland'. - 1. Band, Wissenschaftliche und fliegerische Erlebnisse, Koehler & Amelang; Leipzig. Darin: Vorläufige Übersichtskarte des Arbeitsgebietes der Deutschen Antarktischen Eypedition 1938/39. Neu-Schwabenland 1:1.500.000. - Name approved by German Ministry of Foreign Affaires in Bundesanzeiger 4, Nr. 149: 1-2, 5. August 1952; Bonn. - Verification/correction of geographical location and revision of orthography by Brunk, K. (1986): Kartographische Arbeiten und deutsche Namengebung in Neuschwabenland.- Bisherige Arbeiten, Rekonstruktion der Flugwege der Deutschen Antarktischen Expedition 1938/39 und Neubearbeitung des deutschen Namengutes in Neuschwabenland. Deutsche Geodätische Kommision, Reihe E, Nr. 24; Frankfurt am Main.
Approval status
Date approved:
Display Scales
Note These display scales were chosen for use by Australia, with an emphasis on East Antarctica.
For example, selecting 'Aus_display_scale_20M' would only return names that would appear on a 1:20 million scale map.
Aus_display_scale_20M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_10M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_5M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_2M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_1M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_500k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_250k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_100k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_50k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_25k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_10k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_5k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_1k: | No | |
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