Name details
Vorposten (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)
Vorposten (The name as it would appear on a map)
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Germany Gazetteer Id 107145
Feature type:
This name originates from Germany.
It is part of the
Germany Gazetteer and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.
Names that other countries have for this feature:
An isolated peak about 40 km NE of Payergruppe, named Vorposten because of its location at the eastern extremity of the area explored by the expedition. Discovered during German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39 ('Neuschwabenland-Expedition') under Alfred Ritscher.
Named For
Outlying post, picket in a military sense.
71° 30' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
15° 30' 00.0" E
Unknown precision
1890 m
Unknown precision
No images of this place could be found.
Source Institution:
Source Publisher:
Remote sensing:
Not Applicable
Published by Ritscher, A. et al. (1939): Vorbericht (preliminary report) über die Deutsche Antarktische Expedition 1938/39. - Ann. Hydrogr. u. Marit. Meteorol. 67, August-Beiheft. Darin: Übersichtstafel von dem Arbeitsgebiet der Deutschen Antarktischen Expedition 1938/39: Neuschwabenland: 1:1.500.000 - 1. Ausgabe Mai/Juni 1939. - Ritscher, A. (Editor)(1942): Deutsche Antarktische Expedition 1938/39 mit dem Flugzeugstützpunkt der Lufthansa A.G. M.S. 'Schwabenland'. - 1. Band, Wissenschaftliche und fliegerische Erlebnisse, Koehler & Amelang; Leipzig. Darin: Vorläufige Übersichtskarte des Arbeitsgebietes der Deutschen Antarktischen Eypedition 1938/39. Neu-Schwabenland 1:1.500.000. - Name approved by German Ministry of Foreign Affaires in Bundesanzeiger 4, Nr. 149: 1-2, 5. August 1952; Bonn. - Verification/correction of geographical location and revision of orthography by Brunk, K. (1986): Kartographische Arbeiten und deutsche Namengebung in Neuschwabenland.- Bisherige Arbeiten, Rekonstruktion der Flugwege der Deutschen Antarktischen Expedition 1938/39 und Neubearbeitung des deutschen Namengutes in Neuschwabenland. Deutsche Geodätische Kommision, Reihe E, Nr. 24; Frankfurt am Main.
Approval status
Date approved:
Display Scales
Note These display scales were chosen for use by Australia, with an emphasis on East Antarctica.
For example, selecting 'Aus_display_scale_20M' would only return names that would appear on a 1:20 million scale map.
Aus_display_scale_20M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_10M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_5M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_2M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_1M: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_500k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_250k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_100k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_50k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_25k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_10k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_5k: | No | |
Aus_display_scale_1k: | No | |
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