Name details

Danger Islands

Danger Islands (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Danger Islands  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory Id 108421

Feature type: Island


This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


SE of Joinville Island and including Heroine Island, Beagle Island, Comb Island, Darwin Island, Platter Island, Earle Island and Dixey Rock, were roughly charted by Ross, 28 December 1842, and named Danger Isles because they were concealed by heavy pack ice until his ship was almost upon them (BA chart 1238, 1844). Danger Islands (Ross, 1847a, p.325; BA chart 1240, 20.v.1887; APC, 1959a, p.5; BA chart 3205, 23.xi.1962). Îles Danger (Vincendon-Dumoulin, atlas, 1847, Pl. 43). Inseln der Gefahr [translation of English name] (Ross, 1847b, p.390). Danger Inseln (Petermann, map, 1867). Danger Islets (BA chart 1238, x.1893; APC, 1955, p.8). Danger Ø (Larsen, 1894a, p.266). Danger Island (Larsen, 1894b, p.334; Nordenskjöld and others, 1905, end map). Darwin Inseln (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904b, Vol. 2, first end map). Dangerous Islands (Irízar, 1904, p.586). Île Danger (Nordenskjöld, 1904c, map p.232-33). Danger Öarna (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904a, Del. 1, end map). Islas Danger (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904-05, Tomo 1, end map). Islas de Danger (Skottsberg, [1907], p.51). Isla Danger (Riso Patron S., 1908, p.6). Îlots Danger (Charcot, 1912, Pl. 1). Danger-Sziget (Shackleton, [1925], p.75). Danger Öyane (HA chart, 1928). Dangeröene (Aagaard, 1930, end map). Islotes Peligrosos [translation of English name] (Chile. DNH chart L, 1947). Islotes Danger (Argentina. MM chart 103, 1949). Islotes Peligro (Argentina. MM, 1953, p.319; Pierrou, 1970, p.581; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.222). Danger Archipel (Knapp, 1958, p.571). The islands were surveyed by FIDS from "Hope Bay", 1958-61. Ostrova Deyndzher (Soviet Union. AA, 1966, Pl. 24). Islote Peligro (Chile. IGM map 4, 1966).

Named For


63° 26' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
54° 41' 00.0" W
Unknown precision
Not recorded
Unknown precision


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