Name details

Lockroy, Port

Lockroy, Port (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Lockroy, Port  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory Id 109880

Feature type: Anchorage


This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


bay between Damoy Point and Lécuyer Point, W Wiencke Island, Palmer Archipelago, was charted by FAE, 1903-05, on 20 February 1904 and named Port-Lockroy after Etienne-Auguste-Édouard Lockroy (1840-1913), French politician who helped to finance FAE (Charcot, 1906b, p.471; 1912, Pl.1). Port Lockroy (Gourdon, 1908, end map; Bongrain 1914, vue 15 following p.60; BA chart 3205, 31.x.1921; 3213, 14.i.1929; 25.iv.1952; APC, 1955, p.14). Puerto Lockroy (Gourdon, [1910], p.129; Pierrou, 1970, p.487; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.187). Lockroy Hafen (Nordenskjöld, 1917, map facing p.68). Port Lacroix, in error (Mount Lacroix, q.v.) (Ferguson, chart, 1918a). Port Lochray [sic] (Risting, 1922, p.425). Lockroy Havna (HA chart, 1927). The bay was recharted by DI in 1927 (Chaplin, 1932, p.302 and chart 4). Lockroy H. (HA chart, 1928). The bay was used as a base for flying operations by Wilkins, 18-19 December 1929 (Wilkins, 1930, p.363-66). Lockroyhavnen (Aagaard, 1934, p.395). The FIDS station, called "Base A" or "Port Lockroy", was established on Goudier Island (q.v.) in the bay, 16 February 1944, and the bay was further surveyed, 1944-45. Puerto Lochroy [sic] (Flores Silva, 1947, p.248). Bahía Lockroy (Chile. IGM map, 1947). Caleta Lockroy (Chile. DNH chart 510, 1947). Locroy [sic] (CACA, 1950c, p.56). Lockroy (CACA, 1950b, p.38). "Port Lokroy", referring to the FIDS station (Soviet Union. BSE, 1950, map following p.484). The bay was further charted by an RN Hydrographic Survey Unit in 1951. Porto Dockroy [sic] (Zavatti, 1952, p.510). Port Lacroy [sic] (Machowski, 1953, p.46). Porto de Lockroy (Fuchs and Hillary, 1959b, p.22). The FIDS station was evacuated, 16 January 1962, having been continuously occupied except for the periods 8 April 1947-23 January 1948, 14 February 1949-24 January 1950, and 11 February 1951-15 December 1951. Puerto Lockrov [sic], as rejected form (Chile. IHA, 1974, p.187).

Named For


64° 49' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
63° 30' 00.0" W
Unknown precision
Not recorded
Unknown precision


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