Name details

New Plymouth

New Plymouth (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

New Plymouth  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory Id 110342

Feature type: Harbour


This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


harbour between Cape Sheffield and Start Point, Livingston Island, formed by Rugged Island to SW, Astor Island to S, and Ray Promontory to NE, was charted by nineteenth-century sealers; named by the British New-Plymouth (Imperial Magazine, 1821, col. 453) or New Plymouth ([Goddard]), chart, [1821]; BA chart [no number], 1822; 3205, 25.iii.1937; APC, 1955, p.16; BA chart 3205, 23.xi.1962) after Plymouth, Devon; in association with Rugged Island (q.v.), also called Ragged Harbour, "which is by far the most just name for it" (Fildes, 1821c; 1827, p.452). Raged [sic] Harbour, Ragged Harber [sic] (Pendleton, 1821-23, 18-19 January 1822). New Plymouth Harbour (Weddell, 1825a, p.124; BA chart 1776, 19.vii.1968). Neu Plymouth, Ragged Hafen (Fildes, 1827, p.452). Bay of Plymouth (Smith, 1844, p.162). Nueva Plymouth (Spain. DH chart 458, 1861). New Plymouth or Rugged Harbour (BA, 1916, p.393). Ny Plymouth (Aagaard, 1934, p.516). President's Harbor (New Plymouth) (Rugged Harbor), incorrectly identified with President Harbor (q.v.) (USHO, 1943, p.100). President's Harbor (USAAF chart 1737, 1946). Puerto New Plymouth (Argentina. MM chart 105, 1949). Puerto Suárez, so called by AAE probably after a member of the expedition (Argentina. MM, 1953, p.218). Rugged Harbor, as rejected name (USBGN, 1956, p.225). The feature was photographed from the air by FIDASE, 1956-57. Puerto Echeverría, so called by AAE after the Argentine poet and philosopher Esteban Echeverría (1805-51) (Argentina. MM chart 127, 1957; Pierrou, 1970, p.333). New Plymauth [sic] (Zavatti, 1958, Tav.9). Bahía Nueva Plymouth (Chile. DNH chart 1400, 1961). New Plymouth Harbor (USOO chart 6943, 1963). New Plymouth Bay (Valenzuela and Hervé, 1972, map p.84). Bahía New Plymouth (Chile. IHA, 1974, p.214).

Named For


62° 37' 05.2" S
Unknown precision
61° 11' 05.0" W
Unknown precision
Not recorded
Unknown precision


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