Borchgrevink Coast (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)
Borchgrevink Coast (The name as it would appear on a map)
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Feature type: Coast (7)
This name originates from New Zealand. It is part of the New Zealand Gazetteer and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.
Names that other countries have for this feature:
That part of the coast of Victoria Land lying between Cape Adare in the north to Cape Washington in the south. Named for Carstens Egeberg Borchgrevink who accompanied H J Bull's Expedition to the Antarctic 1894-95. During this expedition the first landing on the Antarctic Continent was made at Cape Adare, and at Possession Island Borchgrevink discovered a lichen growing on the rocks, the first evidence of plant life obtained within the Antarctic Circle. In 1898 Sir George Newnes sponsored the first British Antarctic Expedition, 1898-1900, which was led by Borchgrevink. The vessel used was the "Southern Cross". The party of 10 men left at Cape Adare was the first to spend a winter on the Antarctic Continent. Being restricted in movement through failure to penetrate inland, and because of the ice conditions along the coast, only local exploration and naming was accomplished before the return of the ship. The coast was followed to Cape Washington, and a landing was made on Coulman Island and at the foot of Mt Melbourne. Wood Bay was found to run much further inland than Ross had supposed, and the large feature of the Lady Newnes Ice Shelf was discovered and named. Some thick reindeer moss was found near Mt Melbourne. Landing were made at Franklin Island and at Cape Crozier, and the Ross Ice Shelf was found to have receded some 30 miles since Ross discovered it in 1841. A landing was made on the Ross Ice Shelf, and Borchegrevink an Colbeck skied south to latitude 78°50', a record at that time or southern travel. Borchgrevink was born in Norway, but was partly English in ancestry, and at the time of Bull's expedition he was living in Australia.
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Place names
New Zealand or
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