Name details

Mount Discovery

Discovery, Mount (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Mount Discovery  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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New Zealand Gazetteer Id 113158

Feature type: Mountain (2a)


This name originates from New Zealand. It is part of the New Zealand Gazetteer and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


A conspicuous isolated volcanic cone, 2681m high, lying at the head of McMurdo Sound and southeastward of the Koettlitz Glacier, overlooking the northwestern portion of the Ross Ice Shelf.

Named For

Discovered by the British National Antarctic Expedition (Discovery Expedition, BrNAE), 1901-04, and named for the expedition ship Discovery. It is the most symmetrical of all the large craters and rises in a graceful dome, sheathed almost up to its summit in ice. It forms the centre of a three-armed mass of which Brown Peninsula is one extension to the north-east. Minna Bluff is a second to the south-east and the third is Mount Morning, which is really a part of the mainland. By 1950's the feature still had not been visited in spite of the fact that there are no greater obstacles than rough ice in the way. It is considered to have a most striking appearance, its bell-like dome reminding one of Mount Taranaki or Mount Egmont, in the North Island of New Zealand. On its southern side it is almost entirely covered with snow and ice, but on the north there is so much bare rock that at midsummer one could almost ascend the mountain on rock entirely, certainly up to 2400m.


78° 22' 19.5" S
Unknown precision
165° 01' 02.1" E
Unknown precision
2684 m
Unknown precision


No images of this place could be found.



Location Method:
Source Name:
Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica, Howat et al. 2018
Source Identifier:
REMA 8m tile 18_34 release 1.1
Source Scale:
Source Institution:
Source Person:
Source Publisher:
Polar Geospatial Center
Remote sensing:
Not Applicable



Approval status

Date approved:

Display Scales

Note These display scales were chosen for use by Australia, with an emphasis on East Antarctica.
          For example, selecting 'Aus_display_scale_20M' would only return names that would appear on a 1:20 million scale map.

Aus_display_scale_20M: No      Aus_display_scale_10M: No     
Aus_display_scale_5M: No      Aus_display_scale_2M: No     
Aus_display_scale_1M: No      Aus_display_scale_500k: No     
Aus_display_scale_250k: No      Aus_display_scale_100k: No     
Aus_display_scale_50k: No      Aus_display_scale_25k: No     
Aus_display_scale_10k: No      Aus_display_scale_5k: No     
Aus_display_scale_1k: No     

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