Minnehaha Icefalls (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)
Minnehaha Icefalls (The name as it would appear on a map)
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Feature type: Icefall (12)
This name originates from New Zealand. It is part of the New Zealand Gazetteer and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.
Names that other countries have for this feature:
A small, heavily crevassed icefall descending the steep west slopes of Mount England and forming a southern tributary to New Glacier, close west of its terminus at Granite Harbour in Victoria Land. Feature shown on: NZ AntTopo50-MD09
Charted and named by the Granite Harbour Geological Party, led by Taylor, of the British Antarctic Expedition (Terra Nova expedition, BrAE), 1910-13. The name was suggested by Debenham, presumably alluding to the Minnehaha Ice Falls, Minneapolis, USA.
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flora or
within 1.0 degree of this location
Place names
New Zealand or
place names within 1.0 degree of this location.