Name details

Lake Franzmann

Franzmann, Lake (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Lake Franzmann  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Australian Antarctic Gazetteer Id 1237

Feature type: Water body


This name originates from Australia. It is part of the Australian Antarctic Gazetteer and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.


Lake Franzmann is a saline lake approximately 400 m by 150 m in area on the northern shore of Long Fjord in the Vestfold Hills. The lake surface is only marginally above sea-level, and water flows into and from the lake at very high tide during summer. The maximum recorded depth is 8 m. The lake is permanently stratified and therefore meromictic. Little is known about the biology of Lake Franzmann although a wide variety of planktonic diatoms have been observed in the lake in poor condition. These were probably a result of marine water inflow. Similarly, one or two species of harpacticoid copepod have been found in the lake during winter although no live samples have been obtained.

Named For

Lake Franzmann is named after Dr Peter Franzmann who wintered at Davis in 1984. During this year Dr Franzmann studied the bacteria of and microbiological processes in a number of lakes. He subsequently spent another summer at Davis (1987-8) during which time he studied methane production in Ace Lake. Since his winter he has been heavily involved in the taxonomy and ecology of saline lake bacteria of the Vestfold Hills.


68° 28' 54.5" S
Accurate to 30m
78° 15' 02.9" E
Accurate to 30m
1 m
Accurate to 5m


©Belinda Reynolds 2009
Catalogue id
Lake Franzmann, Vestfold Hills. Taken from helicopter at height of 1800 feet. Looking Southeast.
Reynolds, Belinda



Location Method:
Topographic data
Source Name:
Vestfold Hills Topographic GIS Dataset
Source Identifier:
Metadata ( vest_hills_gis - Vestfold Hills 1:25000 Topographic GIS Dataset )
Source Scale:
Source Institution:
Australian Antarctic Division
Source Person:
Source Publisher:
Australian Antarctic Division
Remote sensing:
Not Applicable


Metadata for coordinates and origin of topographic data.

Approval status

Date approved:

Display Scales

Note These display scales were chosen for use by Australia, with an emphasis on East Antarctica.
          For example, selecting 'Aus_display_scale_20M' would only return names that would appear on a 1:20 million scale map.

Aus_display_scale_20M: No      Aus_display_scale_10M: No     
Aus_display_scale_5M: No      Aus_display_scale_2M: No     
Aus_display_scale_1M: No      Aus_display_scale_500k: No     
Aus_display_scale_250k: No      Aus_display_scale_100k: No     
Aus_display_scale_50k: Yes      Aus_display_scale_25k: No     
Aus_display_scale_10k: No      Aus_display_scale_5k: No     
Aus_display_scale_1k: No     

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