Newsham Nunatak (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)
Newsham Nunatak (The name as it would appear on a map)
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Feature type: Mountain
This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.
Names that other countries have for this feature:
An isolated nunatak on the eastern side of Trinity Peninsula, Graham Land, situated between Stepup Col to the west-south-west and Cain Nunatak to the north-east. It is T-shaped, about 700 m by 700 m and has a summit height of 614 m. Named for Dr Kevin Newsham, a British Antarctic Survey terrestrial ecologist and Principal Investigator for a research project which visited and sampled the site in January 2008.
No images of this place could be found.
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within 1.0 degree of this location
Place names
British or
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