Quintana Island

Quintana Island (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Quintana Island  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Place ID: 11793
Name ID: 110771

Feature type: Island


This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


NNE of Betbeder Islands (q.v.) and WNW of Cruls Islands (q.v.), Wilhelm Archipelago (with the smaller Mazzeo Island and Bergel Rock off-lying to WNW and S respectively) was roughly charted in 65°10'S 64°59'W by FAE, 1903-05, and named IÎle Quintana after Manuel Quintana (1836-1906), President of Argentina, 1904-06 (Charcot, 1906a, map facing p.316). IÎles Quintansa [sic], in error and referring collectively to the two islands and rock (Charcot, 1906b, p.476). Quintana Islands (BA chart 1238, ix.1908). Following further survey by FAE, 1908-10, the name IÎles Quintana (including the present island) was applied to the NW-most of the islands forming a continuous arc, named collectively IÎles Argentines (Argentine Islands, q.v.) (Matha and Rey, 1911, Pl.2). The position of these islands was confirmed by BGLE in 1935-36. Isla Quintana, referring to the present feature (Argentina. IGM map, 1946). Islotes Colo Colo [in 64°57'S 67°12'W], Rocas Galvarino [in 65°03'S 64°52'W], Islotes Michimalongo [in 65°12'S 65°00'W], referring to the two islands and rock, after places in Chile, and erroneously plotted (Chile. DNH chart LII, 1947). Quintana Islets, referring to the two islands and rock (APC, 1955, p.17; BA chart 3570, 21.ix.1957). Quintana Islands, as rejected form (USBGN, 1956, p.252). Islas Quintana, referring collectively to Cruls Islands (q.v.) and Roca Islands (q.v.) (Argentina. MM 1957a, p.9). Islotes Quintana ([referring to Cruls Islands and Roca Islands] Argentina. MM chart 130, 1957; [referring to the present and nearby features] Pierrou, 1970, p.613; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.235). Following further survey by an RN Hydrographic Survey Unit, 1957-58, the name in the form Quintana Island was restricted to the present feature (APC, 1959a, p.10; BA chart 3572, 12.viii.1960; 29.xi.1974). Quintana Islet (BA, 1958, p.88). Islote Quintana (Argentina. MM, NM 13/1.vii.1961). The island was further charted from HMS Endurance, 1969-71.

Named For


65° 10' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
64° 59' 00.0" W
Unknown precision
Not recorded
Unknown precision


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