Tower Island

Tower Island (The name as it would appear in a gazetteer)

Tower Island  (The name as it would appear on a map)

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Place ID: 14863
Name ID: 111629

Feature type: Island


This name originates from United Kingdom. It is part of the Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory and the SCAR Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica.

Names that other countries have for this feature:


separated from Cape Kater, Davis Coast, by Orléans Strait, was roughly charted by Bransfield, 30 January 1820, but the name Tower's Islands [sic] (Bransfield, chart, [1820b]; Gould, 1925, p.224) was probably first applied to Ohlin Island (q.v.), the name being later transferred to the present feature. Île Tower ([misplaced to W of Trinity Island] Eyriès and Malte-Brun, 1823, map facing p.237; [correctly shown] France. SHM, 1937, p.403). Trinity Land, referring to Trinity Island (q.v.) and the present feature as one island (Powell, chart, 1828; Larsen, 1894b, map facing p.333). Tower Islands, referring to a group of small islands off the N coast of Trinity Island (BA chart 1238, 7.ix.1839; USHO chart 1132, 1894; Balch, 1904, map facing p.81). Terre de la Trinité, referring to Trinity Island and the present feature as one island (d'Urville, 1838, map following p.1170). Tower Inseln (Friederischsen, 1895, Tafel 7 facing p.304). Îles Tower (Gerlache, 1902b, p.141). The island was further charted by SwAE in 1902 and called Île Pendleton, after Capt. B. Pendleton (Pendleton Strait, q.v.) (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904c, map p.232-33). Pendleton-Insel (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904b, Vol. 2, p.123). Pendletons Ön (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904a, Del. 1, end map). Isla de Pendleton, Isla Pentleton [sic] (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904-05, Tomo 1, end map; Tomo 2, end map). Pendleton Island (Nordenskjöld and others, 1905, p.72; BA, 1916, p.402; Wilkins, 1929, map facing p.374). Isola Pendleton (Duse, 1907, p.144). Tierra de Trinidad, Isla Pendleton (Riso Patron S., 1908, p.6 and end map). Trinity Island, in error (Wilson, chart, 1917). Jomfru Island [=maiden island] (Lester's amendments to Johannessen, chart, [1919-20]; Bagshawe, 1921-22a, Vol. 4, p.193). Tower Island (BA chart 3205, 31.x.1921; 25.iii.1937; APC, 1955, p.21; BA chart 3205, 23.xi.1962; BAS 250 sheet SP 21-22/13, 1-DOS 1974). Tower Ö (HA chart, 1928). Tower Öya (Risting, 1929, map p.51). Pendletonöen (Aagaard, 1930, end map). The island was recharted by DI, 1930-31 (Carey and Nelson, 1931b). Tower (Pendleton) Island (USHO, 1943, p.111). Pendletons Ö (Andersson, 1944, map p.155). Tower Island (Pendleton) (USAAF chart 1737, 1946). Isla Tower (Chile. DNH chart LI, 1947). Isla Torre [translation of English name] (Argentina. MM, 1953, p.238b; Pierrou, 1970, p.691; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.279). The island was photographed from the air by FIDASE, 1956-57. Pendleton Eiland (Knapp, 1958, p.582). Ostrov Tauer (Soviet Union. MMF chart, 1961). Isla Torres [sic] (Chile. DNH, 1962, p.131).

Named For


63° 35' 00.0" S
Unknown precision
59° 49' 00.0" W
Unknown precision
Not recorded
Unknown precision


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