SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 3 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Rescue Nunatak (AUS) 69° 37' 59.9" S 157° 22' 00.1" E Nunatak
Name ID: 1785 Place ID: 12056

A nunatak on the western side of the Matusevich Glacier in Oates Land. So-named by the New Zealand Geological and Survey Antarctic Expedition (1963-64) because of the rescue, in bitter conditions, of a sledge and dogs which fell 10 m into a crevasse nearby.

Rescue Nunatak (NZL) 69° 36' 55.2" S 157° 24' 43.4" E Nunatak
Name ID: 139449 Place ID: 12056

A nunatak on the western side of the Matusevich Glacier in Oates Land.

Rescue Nunatak (USA) 69° 37' 00.0" S 157° 27' 00.0" E Nunatak
Name ID: 130696 Place ID: 12056

A nunatak l4 mi SSE of Mount Martyn in southern Lazarev Mountains. The feature lies along the W side of upper Matusevich Glacier. Plotted by ANARE from photos taken by USN Operation Highjump (1946-47) and ANARE (1959). Visited by NZGSAE (1963-64) who gave the name because of the rescue, in bitter conditions, of a sledge and dogs which had fallen into a nearby crevasse.

Showing all 3 place names.

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