SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Advent Island (GBR) 64° 54' 00.0" S 63° 37' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 107459 Place ID: 1013

in SW entrance of Peltier Channel, Danco Coast. The island and nearby rock were called descriptively Rocas Baupr's [=bowsprit rocks] (Argentina. MM, 1953, p.27; Pierrou, 1970, p.193). Roca Baupr's (Argentina. MM chart NU, 1954). Following the work of an RN Hydrographic Survey Unit from HMS Protector, 1956-57, the feature was named Advent Island because a landing was made to fix its position on Advent Sunday, 1956 (APC, 1959a, p.4; BA chart 3572, 12.viii.1960). Islote Advent (Chile. DNH, 1962, p.167; IHA, 1974, p.19). Baupr's Rocks (USBGN, 1965, p.93).

Advent, Islote (CHL) 64° 54' 00.0" S 63° 36' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 105061 Place ID: 1013

Es posible que este islote haya sido avistado por la Expedición Antártica Francesa de 1903-1905, en el buque expedicionario "Français" al mando del Dr. Jean B. Charcot. El nombre parece ser descriptivo de su posición en la llegada (advent) por el S a tomar el canal Peltier. Islote situado a aproximadamente 8 cables al S de punta Py y al centro de la boca S del canal Peltier, que separa a la isla Doumer de la isla Wiencke, en el archipiélago de Palmer.

Bauprés Rocks (USA) 64° 54' 00.0" S 63° 37' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 122285 Place ID: 1013

Two rocks lying in the middle of the southern entrance to Peltier Channel, in the Palmer Archipelago. First charted by the FrAE under Charcot, 1903-05. The descriptive name "Rocas Baupres" (bowsprit rocks) was used on Argentine government charts as early as 1952; when viewed from a distance the feature is reported to resemble the bowsprit of a ship.

Bauprés, rocas (ARG) 64° 54' 00.0" S 63° 37' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 100221 Place ID: 1013

Tonagh Island (AUS) 67° 05' 47.6" S 50° 18' 09.0" E Island
Name ID: 1013 Place ID: 14794

A steep-sided, flat-topped island, approximately 4 km long and 2 km wide. Situated in the western part of Amundsen Bay. Sighted in October, 1956, by the ANARE Amundsen Bay party led by Peter W. Crohn and named after Lieut. Leslie Tonagh, RAASC, DUKW driver with the ANARE Expedition, 1956. The first landing was made by an ANARE aircraft piloted by Flying Officer J. Seaton in August, 1956.

Showing all 5 place names.

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