SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 2 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Northwind Glacier (NZL) 76° 40' 00.0" S 161° 18' 00.0" E Glacier
Name ID: 114023 Place ID: 10407

A large glacier, one of the major sources of the Fry Glacier, flowing north-east from a high névé, south-west and west of Flagstaff Mountain. A lobe of the Grenville Valley. The glacier has an ice divide with the north-west source of the Benson Glacier. Named by the Northern Survey Party of the NZTAE, 1956-57, for the USS Northwind, one of the main American convoy of vessels into McMurdo Sound in 1956-57.

Northwind Glacier (USA) 76° 40' 00.0" S 161° 18' 00.0" E Glacier
Name ID: 129502 Place ID: 10407

A large glacier, one of the major sources of the Fry Glacier, in the Convoy Range, Victoria Land. The glacier drains the W part of Flight Deck Neve and flows N between Elkhorn Ridge and Sunker Nunataks to Fry Glacier. A lobe of the glacier flows W a short distance into the mouth of Greenville Valley. Named by the N.Z. Northern Survey Party (1956-57) of the CTAE after the USCGC Northwind, an icebreaker in the main American convoy into McMurdo Sound that season.

Showing all 2 place names.

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