SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Pourquoi Pas Island (RUS) 67° 40' 00.0" S 67° 30' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 120052 Place ID: 11534

Pourquoi Pas Island (GBR) 67° 41' 00.0" S 67° 30' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 110694 Place ID: 11534

in NE corner of Marguerite Bay, Fallières Coast, between Bigourdan Fjord and Bourgeois Fjord, separated from Blaiklock Island by The Narrows, was roughly charted on its SW side by FAE, 1908-10, but not recognized as an island; mapped as an island by BGLE in 1936 and named after the FAE three-masted schooner Pourquoi-Pas? (Dr J.-B. Charcot, Charcot Bay, q.v.) (Rymill, 1938a, map facing p.432; BA chart 3175, 1.iii.1940; DCS 601 sheet 67 66, 1954; APC, 1955, p.17; BAS 250P sheet SQ 19-20/14 (Ext.), 1-DOS 1978). IÎle du Pourquoi Pas? (Rouch, 1944, map p.13). Isla Jenny, in error (Jenny Island, q.v.) (Argentina. IGM map, 1946). Isla Porquoi [sic] Pas (Vila Labra, 1947, map p.203). Isla Pourquoi(-)Pas (Chile. DNH chart LIII, 1947; Pierrou, 1970, p.599). The island was re-surveyed by FIDS from "Stonington Island", 1948-49. Pourquoi-Pas (Argentina. IGM map 3762, 1958; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.230). Ostrov Purkua-Pa (Soviet Union. MMF chart, 1961).

Pourquoi Pas Island (USA) 67° 41' 00.0" S 67° 28' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 130312 Place ID: 11534

Mountainous island, 17 mi long and from 5 to 11 mi wide, lying between Bigourdan and Bourgeois Fjords off the W coast of Graham Land. Discovered by the FrAE under Charcot, 1908-10. The island was charted more accurately by the BGLE under Rymill, 1934-37, who named it for Charcot's expedition ship, the Pourquoi-Pas?.

Pourquoi-Pas, Isla (CHL) 67° 42' 00.0" S 67° 27' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 106115 Place ID: 11534

La isla fue descubierta por el Dr. Jean B. Charcot en 1909. La Expedición Británica de John Rymill, 1934-1937 le dio el nombre actual por el buque de la segunda Expedición de Charcot: el "Pourquoi-Pas". Isla situada en el rincón NE de bahía Margarita, a la entrada del seno Laubeuf. Mide 16 millas de largo en dirección SW a NE por 10 millas de ancho medio. La isla es alta y montañosa, de costas escarpadas, está completamente cubierta de nieve.

Pourquois-pas, isla (ARG) 67° 41' 00.0" S 67° 28' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 101896 Place ID: 11534

Showing all 5 place names.

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