SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Solvay Mountains (GBR) 64° 24' 00.0" S 62° 36' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 111267 Place ID: 13651

in S Brabant Island, bounded to N by a line joining Fleming Point and the head of Hippocrates Glacier, and to S by the isthmus E of Duperré Bay, rising to 1520 m at Galen Peak and including also Mount Ehrlich, Celsus Peak, Cook Summit and Mount Imhotep. The E coast of Brabant Island was roughly charted by BeAE, 24-29 January 1898, when the name Monts Solvay was applied to mountains along the whole length of this coast, after Ernest Solvay (1838-1922), the first patron of BeAE (Lecointe, map, 1899; 1900a, map facing p.132). Monte Solvay, presumably referring to the highest mountain

Solvay Mountains (USA) 64° 25' 00.0" S 62° 32' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 131877 Place ID: 13651

Mountains, probably over 1,500 m, extending in an ENE-WSW direction in the S part of Brabant Island, in the Palmer Archipelago. Discovered by the BelgAE, 1897-99, under Gerlache, and named by him for Ernest Solvay, a supporter of the expedition. The name originally extended along the entire E coast of the island, but has been limited to the prominent mountains in the S as there is no well-defined group of mountains farther north.

Solvay, montes (ARG) 64° 24' 00.0" S 62° 36' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 102211 Place ID: 13651

Solvay, Montes (CHL) 64° 20' 00.0" S 62° 17' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 106300 Place ID: 13651

Descubiertos por la Expedición Belga de De Gerlache, 1897-1899, quien les dio el nombre por Ernest Solvay, uno de los soportes de la expedición. Cordillera de cumbres cubiertas de nieve que corre de N a S a lo largo del eje central de isla Brabante y cuyas laderas caen abruptas hacia el mar.

Solvay, Monts (BEL) 64° 25' 00.0" S 62° 32' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 104981 Place ID: 13651

Le grand industriel Ernest Solvay fut le principal mécène de l'expédition 1897-1899 avec le navire Belgica.

Showing all 5 place names.

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