SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Aitken Cove (RUS) 60° 45' 00.0" S 44° 32' 00.0" W Cove
Name ID: 116759 Place ID: 137

Aitken Cove (GBR) 60° 44' 00.0" S 44° 31' 00.0" W Cove
Name ID: 107470 Place ID: 137

off Fitchie Bay, Laurie Island, was surveyed by SNAE, 22 and 30 September 1903, and named after A.N.G. Aitken, of Aitken and Methuen, solicitors to the expedition (Bruce and others, chart, [1903c]; BA chart 1775, 17.viii.1934; APC, 1955, p.4). Apedale Cove after Mr Apedale, Scottish chartered accountant, assistant to T.B. Whitson (Cape Whitson, q.v.) and H. Methuen (Methuen Cove, q.v.), financial managers of the expedition (Bruce, 1903-04, p.70), or Methuen Cove (Pirie, 1913, Pl. 1; BA, 1916, p.410). Caleta Aitken (Argentina. MM, 1945, p.278: Pierrou, 1970, p.153). Puerto Aitken (Argentina, 1953, p.190).

Aitken Cove (USA) 60° 45' 00.0" S 44° 32' 00.0" W Cove
Name ID: 121637 Place ID: 137

Cove which lies immediately NE of Cape Whitson, along the S coast of Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands. Charted in 1903 by the ScotNAE under Bruce, who named it for A.N.G. Aitken, solicitor to the expedition.

Aitken, caleta (ARG) 60° 45' 00.0" S 44° 32' 00.0" W Cove
Name ID: 100040 Place ID: 137

Al S de isla Laurie, islas Orcadas del Sur. Fue cartografiada por la E.A.E. de W. Bruce (1903-1904). denominada en honor del secretario ejecutivo de la expedición A.N.G. Aitken. Apareció primeramente en un listado del Ministerio de Marina de 1945 y en TSAA1. SHN carta H-611.

Sparkes Bay (AUS) 66° 21' 32.0" S 110° 34' 00.1" E Bay
Name ID: 137 Place ID: 13772

A bay between Mitchell Peninsula and Robinson Ridge, Windmill Islands. First plotted from air photographs taken by USN Operation Highjump (1946 47). Named after Lieutenant R.S. Sparkes, USN, military leader at Wilkes in 1958.  

Showing all 5 place names.

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