SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 3 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Stopford Peak (GBR) 63° 46' 00.0" S 61° 38' 00.0" W Peak
Name ID: 111420 Place ID: 14076

rising to 495m on E coast of Hoseason Island, Palmer Archipelago, was roughly charted by Foster in 1829, when the name Cape Stopford was applied to the nearby point on the coast, after Adm. Sir Robert Stopford (1768-1847), Commander-in-chief, Portsmouth, 1827-30, at which port Foster's ship HMS Chanticleer was fitted out for her voyage of 1828-31 (Foster and Kendall, chart, 1829a; BA chart 1238, 7.ix.1839). Cabo Barrow, in error (Cape Barrow, q.v.) (Riso Patron S., 1908, end map). Monte Sur [=south mountain], referring to the peak (Argentina. MM chart 105, 1949). Following air photography by FIDASE in 1956, the name of Stopford was transferred from the cape to the peak. Stopford Peak (APC, 1960, p.7; BA chart 3560, 7.iv.1961).

Stopford Peak (USA) 63° 46' 00.0" S 61° 38' 00.0" W Peak
Name ID: 132215 Place ID: 14076

Peak, 495 m, on the E side of Hoseason Island, in the Palmer Archipelago. First roughly charted and named "Cape Stopford" by Henry Foster in 1829 for Admiral Sir Robert Stopford (1768-1847), Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth, 1827-30, where Foster's ship, the Chanticleer, fitted out for the voyage. The most prominent feature on the E side of Hoseason Island is this peak which rises steeply from a straight piece of coast.

Sur, monte (ARG) 63° 46' 00.0" S 62° 38' 00.0" W Peak
Name ID: 102256 Place ID: 14076

Showing all 3 place names.

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