SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Borge Point (GBR) 63° 54' 00.0" S 60° 46' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 107877 Place ID: 1613

SE entrance point of Mikkelsen Harbour, Trinity Island, was named by Capt H. Borge (Borge Bay, q.v.) during his survey of the harbour, probably in 1913-14 (Borge, chart, [1915]; APC, 1960, p.3; BA chart 3560, 7.iv.1961); photographed from the air by FIDASE in 1956. Punta Borge (Argentina. AA, 1991, p. 8)

Borge Point (USA) 63° 54' 00.0" S 60° 45' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 122745 Place ID: 1613

Point forming the E side of Mikkelsen Harbor, Trinity Island, in the Palmer Archipelago. The point was charted and this name used by the Norwegian whaling captain Hans Borge during his survey of Mikkelsen Harbor, probably in 1914-15.

Borge, punta (ARG) 63° 54' 00.0" S 60° 46' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 100316 Place ID: 1613

Fuenzalida, Punta (CHL) 63° 54' 00.0" S 60° 45' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 105582 Place ID: 1613

Probablemente fue denominada en honor al profesor Humberto Fuenzalida Villegas, geólogo de la Universidad de Chile. Punta que limita por el E la bahía Mikkelsen, constituye el extremo de una península que se proyecta hacia el S cuya altura media es de 360 metros.

Mount Ruker (AUS) 73° 35' 55.0" S 64° 26' 35.0" E Mountain
Name ID: 1613 Place ID: 12477

A large, dark outcrop about 7 km south-west of Mount Rubin in the southern Prince Charles Mountains. Plotted from air photographs taken from ANARE aircraft in 1956.Named after R.A. Ruker, geologist at Mawson in 1960.

Showing all 5 place names.

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