SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

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Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Pimpirev Beach (BGR) 62° 37' 11.0" S 60° 24' 50.0" W Beach
Name ID: 134621 Place ID: 17415

The portion of the NW coast of South Bay, Livingston Island, bounded to the SW by Ereby Point and to the NE by the N corner of the bay marked by an ice sea cave located 5.8 km ENE of Ereby Point and 1.45 km NW of Aleko Rock. The shoreline, extending 6.5 km in WSW-ENE direction, is formed by a narrow beach under the ice-cap cliff; a number of minor disruptions occur with portions of the ice cap entering the sea. Pimpirev Ice Wall running parallelly some 100 m inland surmounts the NE half of the coast. Featuring Smolyan Point, a cape that is located 1.9 km NE of Ereby Point and ends with a 25 m wide and 4 m high rock, with conspicuous radial crevasses spreading inland. The central portion of the coast is indented for 250 m by a nameless 710 m wide cove behind Rongel Reef. Detailed Spanish mapping in 1991, Bulgarian remapping in 1996 of the coastal configuration modified by recent glacier retreat. Takes its name from the adjacent Pimpirev Ice Wall. From 62º36'34" to 62º38'10" S; from 60º21'42" to 60º27'32" W

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