SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 6 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Bosse Nunatak (AUS) 72° 08' 03.1" S 65° 21' 36.7" E Nunatak
Name ID: 1768 Place ID: 1636

A small nunatak in an area of disturbed ice, about 43 km west of Mount Izabelle in the Prince Charles Mountains. First sighted by J Manning, surveyor with the ANARE Prince Charles Mountains survey party in 1971. Named after H E Bosse, helicopter pilot with the survey party.

Brategg Bank (RUS) 65° 16' 00.0" S 68° 35' 00.0" W Bank
Name ID: 117224 Place ID: 1768

Brategg Bank (GBR) 65° 15' 00.0" S 68° 36' 00.0" W Bank
Name ID: 136649 Place ID: 1768

submarine bank with least depth of 99m, NW of Biscoe Islands, Graham Coast, was charted by NWE, 1947-48, and named after the expedition ship Brategg (Kapt. N. Larsen) (BA chart 1240, 1950; 1952, p.27; [in 65ø05'S 68ø21'W]; APC, 1955, p.6; [co-ordinates corrected] BA chart 3175, 5.vii.1957; APC, 1977, p.6). Bratteggen [sic], as rejected form (USBGN, 1956, p.69). Banco Brategg (Argentina. MM chart 94, 1960; Pierrou, 1970, p.54).

Brategg Bank (USA) 65° 16' 00.0" S 68° 35' 00.0" W Bank
Name ID: 122877 Place ID: 1768

Name of bank reaffirmed 7/64 (ACUF 30).

Brategg Bank (GEBCO) 64° 50' 00.0" S 68° 10' 00.0" W Bank
Name ID: 107932 Place ID: 1768

Brategg, Banco (CHL) 65° 15' 00.0" S 68° 31' 00.0" W Bank
Name ID: 105231 Place ID: 1768

Fue cartografiado por la Expedición Noruega de 1947-1948, al mando de Nils Larsen, montada por la Norske Hvalfangstselskapers Forbund (Federación de Compañías Balleneras Noruegas). El "Brategg" fue el buque en que se llevó a cabo la expedición. Banco en el que se han sondado 99 metros, situado a unas 85 millas al NNW del extremo N de la isla Adelaida y a 71 millas al WSW de la isla Víctor Hugo, frente a la costa occidental de la península Tierra de O'Higgins.

Showing all 6 place names.

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