SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 4 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Chiriguano Bay (GBR) 64° 28' 00.0" S 62° 31' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 108188 Place ID: 2631

Bay NE of Strath Point, Brabant Island, off W Graham Land. Following survey of the area by AAE, 1948 9, named Bahía Chiriguano after the Argentine tugboat Chiriguano which took part in the survey (ARG chart 1949 & gaz.1970); photographed from the air by FIDASE in 1956 57. Chiriguano Bay (GBR gaz.1986).

Chiriguano Bay (USA) 64° 28' 00.0" S 62° 31' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 123529 Place ID: 2631

A bay NE of Strath Point, indenting the S end of Brabant Island, Palmer Archipelago. The bay was surveyed and named "Bahia Chiriguano" by the Argentine Antarctic Expedition, 1948-49, after the Argentine tugboat Chiriguano which took part in the survey.

Chiriguano, bahía (ARG) 64° 28' 00.0" S 62° 31' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 100499 Place ID: 2631

Wilson, Bahía (CHL) 64° 28' 00.0" S 62° 32' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 106490 Place ID: 2631

El nombre corresponde al apellido del capitán de fragata Víctor Wilson Amenábar, comandante de la PF. "Iquique" de la Armada de Chile, quien participó en la Expedición Antártica Chilena de 1952-1953. Bahía de aproximadamente 4 millas de saco, que se abre al E del cabo Lagrange, en la costa S de la isla Brabante, archipiélago de Palmer.

Showing all 4 place names.

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