SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Cape Cloos (GBR) 65° 07' 00.0" S 64° 01' 00.0" W Cape
Name ID: 108234 Place ID: 2771

N entrance point of Girard Bay and SE entrance point of Lemaire Channel, Graham Coast, was charted by BeAE on 12 February 1898 and named Cap Cloos after M. Cloos, sometime Honorary Belgian Consul in Denmark (Lecointe, map, 1899; 1900a, map facing p.132; [referring in error to Doumer Island] 1903, Pl. 29 following p.110). Cape Cloos (Cook, 1900, map p.xx; APC, 1955, p.7; DOS 610 sheet W 65 64, 1959; BA chart 3572, 12.viii.1960). Cabo Cloos (Argentina. MM chart 107, 1949; Pierrou, 1970, p.250; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.78). The cape was photographed from the air by FIDASE in 1956-57.

Cape Cloos (USA) 65° 07' 00.0" S 64° 00' 00.0" W Cape
Name ID: 123633 Place ID: 2771

High rock cape fronting on Lemaire Channel and marking the N side of the entrance to Girard Bay, on the W coast of Graham Land. Discovered by the BelgAE, 1897-99, under Gerlache, and named after M. Cloos, sometime Honorary Consul in Denmark.

Cloos, cabo (ARG) 65° 07' 00.0" S 64° 00' 00.0" W Cape
Name ID: 100518 Place ID: 2771

Cloos, Cabo (CHL) 65° 07' 00.0" S 64° 00' 00.0" W Cape
Name ID: 105339 Place ID: 2771

Fue descubierto por la Expedición Antártica Belga de 1897-1899, al mando del teniente Adrien de Gerlache, quien le dio este nombre. Cabo coronado por un cono agudo de unos 975 metros de altura situado en la costa oriental del canal Lemaire y que señala el lado N de la entrada a la bahía Girard, en la costa occidental de la península Tierra de O'Higgins.

Cloos, Cap (BEL) 65° 07' 00.0" S 64° 00' 00.0" W Cape
Name ID: 104908 Place ID: 2771

Christian Cloos était consul de Belgique à Frederikshaven (Denmark).

Showing all 5 place names.

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