SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Collins Point (RUS) 63° 00' 00.0" S 60° 35' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 117510 Place ID: 2850

Collins Point (GBR) 62° 59' 44.2" S 60° 35' 10.1" W Point
Name ID: 108262 Place ID: 2850

W of Neptunes Bellows, Deception Island, was roughly charted by Foster in 1829 (Kendall, chart, 1829a); recharted by an RN Hydrographic Survey Unit, 1948-49, and named after Capt. (later Rear-Adm.) K. St B. Collins, RN (Collins Bay, q.v.) (BA chart 3202, 23.ix.1949; APC, 1955, p.7). Punta Fontana [=fountain point] (Argentina. MM chart 100, 1953). Pointe Collins (France. SHM, 1954, p.46). Punta Collins (Chile. DNH chart 501, 1953; IHA, 1974, p.80).

Collins Point (USA) 63° 00' 00.0" S 60° 35' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 123706 Place ID: 2850

Small but prominent point 0.75 mi WSW of Fildes Point, on the S side of Port Foster, Deception Island, in the South Shetland Islands. Charted by a British expedition under Foster, 1828-31. Named by Lt. Cdr. D.N. Penfold, RN, following his survey of the island in 1948-49, for Capt. K. St.B. Collins, RN, Superintendent of Charts in the Hydrographic Dept., Admiralty.

Collins, Punta (CHL) 63° 00' 00.0" S 60° 35' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 105350 Place ID: 2850

Esta punta fue cartografiada por la Expedición Británica de 1828-1831, al mando del capitán Henry Foster. El nombre le fue puesto por el capitán de corbeta D.N. Penfold, RN., después del levantamiento de la isla que hizo en 1948-1949, por el capitán de navío K. St. B. Collins, RN., superintendente de cartas en el Departamento Hidrográfico del Almirantazgo. Punta pequeña y notable, situada aproximadamente a 8 cables al W de los Fuelles de Neptuno, en el lado S de puerto Foster, isla Decepción, islas Shetland del Sur.

Fontana, punta (ARG) 63° 00' 00.0" S 60° 35' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 100912 Place ID: 2850

Showing all 5 place names.

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