SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Darbel Bay (RUS) 66° 30' 00.0" S 66° 00' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 117612 Place ID: 3323

Darbel Bay (GBR) 66° 30' 00.0" S 65° 58' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 108425 Place ID: 3323

between Cape Bellue and Cape Rey, Loubet Coast, was roughly charted by FAE, 1908-10, and included with Matha Strait (q.v.) and Crystal Sound (q.v.) under the name Baie Matha (Charcot, 1910, map facing p.370); later named Baie Marin Darbel after Capt. Laurent-Victor Marin-Darbel (b.1849), of the French Navy (Charcot, 1912, Pl. 1). Marin Darbel Bay (BA chart 3175, 9.x.1914; 1948, p.208). Kerlu Bay, probably referring to this bay (ICRD, 1920, p.42). Marin Darbel B. (HA chart, 1927). Following air reconnaissance on 20 December 1928, Wilkins erroneously showed the bay as the W part of a channel cutting through Graham Land and called it Marin Darbel Fjord (Wilkins, 1929, map facing p.374). Martin [sic] Darbel-Fjorden (Aagaard, 1930, end map). The feature was further charted as a bay by DI in 1931. Marin-Darbel Fiord (NGS map, [1932]). Bahía de Marin Darbel, following sketch survey by BGLE (Rymill and others, 1943, map facing p.272). Bahía Marin Darbel (Chile. DNH chart LII, 1947; IHA, 1974, p.194). Martin [sic] Darbel Bay (BA, 1952, p.5). Darbel Bay (BA chart 3570,; APC, 1955, p.8; DCS 601 sheet 66 64, 1955; BA chart 3570, 29.ix.1961). Bahía Darbel (Argentina. MM, 1953, p.286; Pierrou, 1970, p.293). The bay was photographed from the air by FIDASE in 1957. Marin Darbel Baai (Knapp, 1958, p.579). Darvel [sic] Bay (Wynne-Edwards, 1960, p.314). Zaliv Darbel' (Soviet Union. MMF chart, 1961). Bahía Darbel Marin, as rejected form (Chile. IHA, 1974, p.194).

Darbel Bay (USA) 66° 30' 00.0" S 65° 55' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 124094 Place ID: 3323

Bay 25 mi wide, indenting the W coast of Graham Land between Capes Bellue and Rey. Discovered and roughly charted by the FrAE under Charcot, 1908-10, who gave it the name "Baie Marin Darbel." The bay was further charted in 1931 by DI personnel on the Discovery II, and by the BGLE, 1934-37, under Rymill.

Darbel, bahía (ARG) 66° 30' 00.0" S 66° 00' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 100620 Place ID: 3323

Marín Darbel, Bahía (CHL) 66° 35' 00.0" S 65° 55' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 105904 Place ID: 3323

Esta bahía fue descubierta por la Expedición Antártica Francesa entre los años 1908-1910 al mando del Dr. Jean B. Charcot, quien levantó un croquis de ella y le dio el nombre. Bahía amplia situada entre los cabos Belluey Rey, costa W de la península Tierra de O'Higgins.

Showing all 5 place names.

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