SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Andersson Nunatak (RUS) 63° 22' 00.0" S 57° 00' 00.0" W Nunatak
Name ID: 116826 Place ID: 367

Andersson Nunatak (GBR) 63° 23' 00.0" S 57° 00' 00.0" W Nunatak
Name ID: 107516 Place ID: 367

rising to 185m, N side of Hope Bay, Trinity Peninsula, was discovered in 1903 by J.G. Andersson, of SwAE (Andersson Island, q.v.), and, following survey by FIDS from Hope Bay in 1945, named after him (APC, 1955, p.4; BA chart 3213, 23.iii.1956). Anderson [sic] Nunatak (BA, 1974, p.176). Nunatak Andersson (Argentina. AA, 1991 p.3)

Andersson Nunatak (USA) 63° 22' 00.0" S 57° 00' 00.0" W Nunatak
Name ID: 121807 Place ID: 367

Nunatak 1 mi W of Sheppard Point, standing above the coastal ice cliffs on the N shore of Hope Bay, at the NE end of Antarctic Peninsula. Discovered by J. Gunnar Andersson's party of the SwedAE which wintered at Hope Bay in 1903. Named for Andersson by the FIDS following their survey of the area in 1945.

Andersson, nunatak (ARG) 63° 23' 00.0" S 57° 00' 00.0" W Nunatak
Name ID: 100086 Place ID: 367

En costa NW de bahía Esperanza y una milla al S de punta Sheppard. Fue nominada por el Capitán A. Taylor (del relevamiento de D.P. James) en recuerdo del Dr. J. Gunnar Andersson que invernó en bahía Esperanza en 1903, fue además, segundo comandante de la expedición de Nordenskjöld durante 1901-03. SHN carta H-713.

Crane Cove (AUS) 66° 16' 44.8" S 110° 31' 32.2" E Cove
Name ID: 367 Place ID: 3085

A small bay to the south of Budnick Hill in the southern part of Newcomb Bay, Windmill Islands. Delineated from air photographs taken by USN Operation Highjump (1956-57). Named by USACAN for Robert I. Crane electronics technician 3D Class.   This feature is also known, unofficially, as Shannon Bay.

Showing all 5 place names.

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