SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Apéndice Island (USA) 64° 11' 00.0" S 61° 02' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 121864 Place ID: 440

Island lying NW of Charles Point in Hughes Bay, off the W coast of Graham Land. The name appears on an Argentine government chart of 1957.

Apéndice, isla (ARG) 64° 13' 00.0" S 61° 02' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 100104 Place ID: 440

Ubicada frente a caleta Brialmont, costa Danco, W de la península Antártica. Originalmente cartografiado y bautizado "Cabo Von Sterneck" por la Expedición Antártica Belga el 24 de enero de 1898, en honor del General R. Von Sterneck, de Viena, quien diseñó el péndulo, aparato usado por la expedición. Posteriores investigaciones llevaron a Gran Bretaña a imponer el nombre de "Isla Sterneck". Chile la llama "Isla Telegrafista Rivera", mientras que la república Argentina la denomina "Isla Apéndice". Fue relevada y nominada por la C.A.A. 1953/54 en forma descriptiva por su aspecto tan característico. SHN carta H-714.

Rivera, Isla (CHL) 64° 16' 00.0" S 61° 01' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 106174 Place ID: 440

Denominada por la I Expedición Antártica Chilena, realizada en el año 1947, en recuerdo del telegrafista de la Expedición, de apellido Rivera. Situada a 2,8 millas al SW del cabo Tisné, costa W de la península Tierra de O'Higgins. Está formada por un morro alto, de forma característica de 538 mts. de altura. Libre de hielos en verano, cubierta de abundante vegetación antártica, consiste en musgos y líquenes.

Snedeker Glacier (AUS) 66° 27' 14.0" S 106° 42' 55.4" E Glacier
Name ID: 440 Place ID: 13565

A glacier on the Knox Coast of Wilkes Land about 19 km west of Merritt Island. Delineated from air photographs taken by USN Operation Highjump and named after R.H. Snedeker, who served with USN Operation Windmill (1947-48) on this coast.

Sterneck Island (GBR) 64° 11' 00.0" S 61° 01' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 111401 Place ID: 440

between Cierva Point and Charles Point, Danco Coast, was charted by BeAE as a cape, 24 January 1898, and named Cap von Sterneck after Gen. R. von Sterneck, of Vienna, who designed the pendulum apparatus used by the expedition (Lecointe, map, 1899; 1903, Carte 5). Cape von Sterneck (Cook, 1900, p.135; BA chart 1238, ix.1908; [referring to a point on the mainland] BA chart 3205, vii.1909). Cape von Sterrieek [sic] (Cook, 1900, map p.xx). Cape van Sterneck, Cap V. Sterneck (Gourdon, 1908, p.36 and end map). Cape Charles, in error (Charles Point, q.v.) (BA chart 3205, vii.1909; Gould, 1941, footnote p.239). Seaway Sp. corrected to Cape W. Spring (in error for Spring Point, q.v.) (Kristinasen, chart, [?1916-17]). The name of von Sterneck was also applied incorrectly to Cape Herschel (q.v.). The feature was charted as an island by CAE, 1947, and called Isla Telegrafista Rivera after Carlos Rivera T., a telegraphist on the expedition (Chile. DNH chart LI, 1947). Isla César (Di Lena, 1956, map p.95). The island was photographed from the air by FIDASE, 1956-57. Isla Apéndice [=appendix island], so called by AAE, 1953-54, from its shape (Argentina. MM chart 128, 1957; Pierrou, 1970, p.169). Islote Apéndice (Argentina. MM, 1957a, p.97). Andrew Island (Bancroft, 1959, Fig.11 facing p.102). Cape Spring, probably referring in error to this feature (Spring Point, q.v.) (USHO, 1960, p.353, 1st view). Following study of FIDASE air photographs, the island was identified as the feature originally named by BeAE. Sterneck Island (APC, 1960, p.7; BA chart 3560, 7.iv.1961). Isla Rivera (Chile. DNH chart 1500, 1963; IHA, 1974, p.243). Apéndice Island (USBGN, 1965, p.92). Isla Riviera [sic] (Alarcón and others, 1976, p.29).

Showing all 5 place names.

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