SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Falsa Isla, punta (ARG) 63° 55' 00.0" S 57° 20' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 100855 Place ID: 4450

Falsa Isla, Punta (CHL) 63° 56' 00.0" S 57° 22' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 105533 Place ID: 4450

Fue vista por primera vez en febrero de 1902 y cartografiada como isla por la expedición Sueca, al mando del comandante Otto Nordenskjöld. En 1945 el FIDS determinó que formaba parte de la isla Vega, colocándole este nombre descriptivo. La constituye un angosto promontorio de piedra de 1 milla de largo por 5 cables de ancho, que está unida con la isla por un istmo de arena gruesa, está situada en la costa S de la isla Vega.

False Island Point (RUS) 63° 55' 00.0" S 57° 20' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 117942 Place ID: 4450

False Island Point (GBR) 63° 55' 30.0" S 57° 20' 30.0" W Point
Name ID: 108754 Place ID: 4450

S point of Vega Island and SW entrance point of Pastorizo Bay, Erebus and Terror Gulf, was roughly mapped as an island by SwAE in February 1902; resurveyed by FIDS from "Hope Bay" in 1945, shown to be connected to Vega Island by an isthmus, and named descriptively (BA chart 3205, 23.ix.1949; APC, 1955, p.9; BAS 250 sheet SP 21-22/13, 1-DOS 1974). Punta Isla Falsa (Chile. DNH chart L, 1951). Punta Falsa Isla (Cordini, 1955, p.64; Pierrou, 1970, p.357; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.121). Mys Fols-Ayland (Soviet Union. MMF chart, 1961).

False Island Point (USA) 63° 55' 00.0" S 57° 20' 00.0" W Point
Name ID: 124981 Place ID: 4450

Headland 1 mi long and 0.5 mi wide, which is connected by a low, narrow, almost invisible isthmus to the S side of Vega Island, lying S of the NE end of Antarctic Peninsula. First sighted in February 1902 and charted as an island by the SwedAE under Nordenskjold. It was determined to be a part of Vega Island in 1945 by the FIDS, who applied this descriptive name.

Showing all 5 place names.

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