SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 6 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Ardley Island (RUS) 62° 13' 00.0" S 58° 55' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 116858 Place ID: 478

Ardley Island (GBR) 62° 12' 47.1" S 58° 55' 59.4" W Island
Name ID: 107553 Place ID: 478

W side of Maxwell Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, was charted by DI in 1935 and named Ardley Peninsula after Lieut. Richard Arthur Blyth Ardley, RNR (1906-42), of Discovery II (Third Officer, 1929-31; Second Officer, 1931-33; Chief Officer, 1933-35) (Nelson and others, chart 1935c; BA, 1942, p.41; BA chart 1774, 9.vii.1948; APC, 1955, p.4). Penïnsula Ardley (Argentina. MM chart 104, 1949; Pierrou, 1970, p.170; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.32). An Argentine refuge, called "Ardley", was established here, 6 December 1953 (Thomas, 1956a, p.167). Penïnsula Hardley [sic] (Argentina. MM chart MU-I, 1954). Refugio Ballve , referring to the Argentine refuge renamed after Capt. (N) D. Horacio Ballvé, of the Argentine Navy, who in 1902 established a geomagnetic observatory on Isla Año Nuevo, Tierra del Fuego, to work with Antarctic expeditions at that time (Argentina. MM, 1957a, p.44; Pierrou, 1970, p.189). Air photographs by FIDASE in December 1956 showed the feature to be an island, and it was renamed Ardley Island (APC, 1960, p.2; BA chart 1774, 14.ix.1962). Ostrov Ardli (Soviet Union. AA, 1966, Pl. 175). "Bal've", referring to the refuge (Soviet Union. AA, 1966, Pl. 24). Poluostrov Ardli (Grikurov and Polyakov, 1968, p.17). Ardley Island (Admiralty chart 1774, Península Ballvé (Argentina. AA, 1991 p.5) Ilha Ardley ( Brazil. Península Fildes map, 1984).

Ardley Island (USA) 62° 13' 00.0" S 58° 56' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 121892 Place ID: 478

Island 1 mi long, lying in Maxwell Bay close off the SW end of King George Island, in the South Shetland Islands. Charted as a peninsula in 1935 by DI personnel of the Discovery II and named for Lt. R.A.B. Ardley, RNR, officer on the ship in 1929-31 and 1931-33. Air photos have since shown that the feature is an island.

Ardley, península (ARG) 62° 13' 00.0" S 58° 53' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 100118 Place ID: 478

Costa NW de bahía Guardia Nacional, isla 25 de Mayo, islas Shetland del Sur. Fue bautizada por el Teniente A.L. Nelson de la Armada Real, perteneciente al "DISCOVERY II", en 1935, en recuerdo del Teniente R.A.B. Ardley que sirvió como oficial a bordo del "DISCOVERY II" durante su primera y segunda misión. Las fotografías aéreas confirman en la actualidad que el accidente es una isla, aunque todavía la Argentina no ha procedido a cambiar el nombre del accidente. Fue publicado por primera vez en la carta 102 del año 1949. SHN cartas 137/H-711.

Ardley, Península (CHL) 62° 13' 00.0" S 58° 54' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 105121 Place ID: 478

Es probable que este nombre tenga su origen en el levantamiento topográfico y biológico efectuado por la investigación Discovery de 1935-1937, en la nave "Discovery II". Península que cierra por el S a la caleta del mismo nombre y que se halla unida a la isla Rey Jorge por un angosto istmo de guijarros de 2 cables de largo que queda descubierto en la bajamar, en el interior de la bahía Fildes, la que se forma entre la isla Rey Jorge y la isla Nelson, islas Shetland del Sur.

Ninnis Glacier (AUS) 68° 15' 35.0" S 147° 30' 42.0" E Glacier
Name ID: 478 Place ID: 10289

A glacier, descending steeply into the sea from the high interior of George V Land. Discovered by AAE (1911-14) under Sir Douglas Mawson, who named it after Lieut. B.E.S. Ninnis, RF, a member of the expedition, who lost his life during the far-east sledge journey.

Showing all 6 place names.

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