SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Foyn Coast (RUS) 66° 30' 00.0" S 64° 30' 00.0" W Coast
Name ID: 118061 Place ID: 4886

Foyn Coast (GBR) 66° 40' 00.0" S 64° 20' 00.0" W Coast
Name ID: 108897 Place ID: 4886

Cape Alexander to Cape Northrop.

Foyn Coast (USA) 66° 40' 00.0" S 64° 20' 00.0" W Coast
Name ID: 125336 Place ID: 4886

That portion of the E coast of the Antarctic Peninsula between Cape Alexander and Cape Northrop. Discovered in 1893 by a Norwegian expedition under Capt. C.A. Larsen, who named it for Svend Foyn, Norwegian whaler of Tonsberg whose invention of the grenade harpoon greatly facilitated modern whaling.

Foyn, costa (ARG) 66° 40' 00.0" S 64° 20' 00.0" W Coast
Name ID: 100930 Place ID: 4886

Foyn, Costa (CHL) 67° 00' 00.0" S 64° 00' 00.0" W Coast
Name ID: 105569 Place ID: 4886

Fue descubierta en 1893 por una Expedición Antártica Noruega al mando CA. Larsen, quien le dio el nombre por "Swend Foyn", ballenero noruego de Tonsberg, cuya invención del arpón granada facilitó grandemente la moderna industria ballenera. Es una extensión de la costa E de la península Tierra de O'Higgins, situada entre los cabos Alexander y Northrop.

Showing all 5 place names.

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