SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Esperanza, bahía (ARG) 63° 23' 00.0" S 57° 02' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 100821 Place ID: 6581

Hope Bay (RUS) 63° 24' 00.0" S 57° 01' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 118498 Place ID: 6581

Hope Bay (GBR) 63° 24' 00.0" S 57° 00' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 109369 Place ID: 6581

between Sheppard Point and Stone Point, Trinity Peninsula, was charted by SwAE in January 1902. The expedition members J.G. Andersson (Andersson Island, q.v.), S.A. Duse (Duse Bay, q.v.) and T. Grunden (Grunden Rock, q.v.), having failed to contact O. Nordenskjöld's party on Snow Hill Island and not having been picked up by the expedition ship as arranged, built a stone hut on the W side of Hut Cove (q.v.), which they occupied from 12 March to 29 September 1903; they named the bay Haabets Vig [=hope bay] "to keep hope alive" (Nordenskjöld, 1904b, p.171). Haabets Vik (Larsen, 1904, p.81). Hoffnungs Bucht [=hope bay] (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904b, Vol.2, first end map). Hoppets Vik (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904a, Del. 1, end map). Baie de l'Espérance [=hope bay] (Nordenskjöld, 1904d, p.352). Bahía de la Esperanza [=hope bay] (Nordenskjöld and others, 1904-05, Tomo 2, map facing p.280). Bucht der Hoffnung (Nordenskjöld, 1905a, map p.236). Hope Bay (Nordenskjöld and others, 1905, p.42; BA chart 3205, 31.x.1921; 3213, 6.x.1950; APC, 1955, p.12; DOS 310 Hope Bay sheet, 1961). Bay of Hope (Lönnberg, 1906, p.83). Golfo della Speranza [=hope gulf] (Duse, 1907, map p.187). Bocht der Hoop [=hope bay] (Nordenskjöld and others, 1907, p.24). Bahía Esperanza (Riso Patron S., 1908, p.13; Pierrou, 1970, p.345). Bahía Hope (Riso Patron S., 1908, end map; Chile. IHA, 1974, p.154). Esperance Bay (Charcot, [1911b], p.272). Baie Hope (Charcot, 1912, Pl. 1). Hoffnungs Bay (Tyrrell, 1915, p.833). Hope-Öböl (Shackleton, [1925], p.85). Hope B. (HA chart, 1928). Hbetsbukt (Risting, 1929, p.69). Hoffnungs Bai (Drygalski, 1930, p.327). Bahía Hope (Esperanza) (Ihl C. and Ayala A., 1947, p.84). A FIDS station, called "Base D" or "Hope Bay", was established S of Seal Point, 12 February 1945, and the bay was resurveyed in that year. On 8 November 1948 the main hut was destroyed in a fire, in which O.R. Burd (Cape Burd, q.v.) and M.C. Green (Cape Green, q.v.) lost their lives, and the station was evacuated on 4 February 1949 (Fuchs, 1951b, p.15, 17). Khop-Day [sic] (Soviet Union. BSE, 1950, map following p.484). An Argentine naval station, called "Destacamento Naval Espe- ranza" or "Esperanza", was established c. 500m NW of the evacuated FIDS station, 14 January 1952, and formally inaugurated on 31 March (Thomas, 1956a, p.162-63; Roberts and Thomas, 1956, p.59; BAS 250 sheet SP 21-22/14 (Ext.), 1-DOS 1973). The FIDS station was re-established for continuous occupation, 4 February 1952, following a show of resistance by Argentine personnel already ashore; "they fired a machine-gun over the heads of the British party... and, at the point of a pistol, forced them to return to the ship"[John Biscoe] (SPRI, 1954, p.168; Thomas, 1956a, p.162). The same season the bay was further charted by an RN Hydrographic Survey Unit from the ship. In 1953-54, a new Argentine Army Station was established near the naval station and inaugurated on 4 March 1954 (Thomas, 1956a, p.166-67). Bukhta Nadezhda [=hope bay] (Molodtsov, 1954, p.22). The bay was further surveyed by FIDS, 1954-56. Hope-Bucht (Kosack, 1955a, p.216). In December 1956 the Argentine naval detachment was withdrawn. "Trinity House", referring to the main hut of the FIDS station (Anderson, 1957, photograph facing p.177). Good Hope (Olrog, 1958, p.19). Hoopbaai [=hope bay] (Knapp, 1958, p.575). Zátoka Nadeje [=hope bay] (Bártl, 1958, map facing p.144). On 16 October 1958 the Argentine naval huts were completely destroyed by fire (SPRI, 1961a, p.522). Hope Baai (Fuchs and Hillary, 1959d, p.10). Khop-Bey (Nudel'man, 1960, loose map). Fondeadero Esperanza, referring to the anchorage off the stations (Argentina. MM chart 110, 1963). The FIDS station was evacuated, 13 February 1964. "Esperansa" (Soviet Union. AA, 1966, Pl.24). "Base Esperanza" (Pierrou, 1970, p.346). "Esperanza Station" (BA, 1974, p.177). Fortin [=fort] Sarjento Cabral, referring to an Argentine installation (Mendéz, 1982, p.71).

Hope Bay (USA) 63° 23' 00.0" S 57° 00' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 126683 Place ID: 6581

Bay 3 mi long and 2 mi wide, indenting the tip of Antarctic Peninsula and opening on Antarctic Sound. Discovered on Jan. 15, 1902, by the SwedAE under Nordenskjold, who named it in commemoration of the winter spent there by J. Gunnar Andersson, S.A. Duse, and Toralf Grunden of his expedition.

Hope, Bahía (CHL) 63° 23' 00.0" S 57° 00' 00.0" W Bay
Name ID: 105698 Place ID: 6581

Descubierta el 15 de enero de 1902 por la Expedición Antártica Sueca al mando de Otto Noldenskjöld, quien la denominó así en conmemoración de la invernada pasada allí por J. Gunnar Andersson, Samuel A. Duse y Tralf Grunden, integrantes de la expedición. Situada en la costa W del paso Antarctic, se forma esta bahía que mide 2,5 millas de saco por 13 cables de ancho. Las costas de la bahía están constituidas por acantilados de hielo de 15 a 50 metros de altura.

Showing all 5 place names.

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