SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 3 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Krogh Island (GBR) 66° 17' 00.0" S 67° 00' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 109670 Place ID: 7842

one of the Biscoe Islands (q.v.) between Lavoisier Island and Dubois Island, was photographed from the air by FIDASE, 1956-57; in association with the names of pioneers of cold-climate physiology grouped in this area, named after August Krogh (1874-1949), Danish physiologist, who studied human metabolism, the functional activity of the capillaries and blood circulation in cold climates; Nobel Laureate in physiology, 1920 (APC, 1960, p.5; BA chart 3571, 14.vii.1961). Kroch [sic] Island (BA, 1974, p.197).

Krogh Island (USA) 66° 17' 00.0" S 67° 00' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 127612 Place ID: 7842

Island about 5 mi long lying close W of the S part of Lavoisier Island, Biscoe Islands. Mapped from air photos taken by FIDASE (1956-57). Named by UK-APC for August Krogh (1874-1949), Danish physiologist who specialized in the functional activity of the capillaries, pioneer of studies of human metabolism and blood circulation in cold climates.

Krogh, isla (ARG) 66° 17' 00.0" S 67° 00' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 101293 Place ID: 7842

Showing all 3 place names.

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