SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 4 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Lacroix, monte (ARG) 65° 03' 00.0" S 63° 59' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 101297 Place ID: 7993

Lacroix, Monte (CHL) 65° 03' 00.0" S 63° 59' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 105787 Place ID: 7993

Fue cartografiado primero por la Expedición Antártica Francesa de los años 1903-1905, al mando del Dr. Jean B. Charcot, quien la denominó así por Alfred Lacroix, prominente minerologista y geólogo francés. Monte prominente de laderas verticales abruptadas de piedra color rojizo y de cima redondeada de 635 metros de altura, en el extremo NE de isla Booth al W de la costa de la península Tierra de O'Higgins.

Mount Lacroix (GBR) 65° 03' 00.0" S 63° 58' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 109686 Place ID: 7993

forming NE peninsula of Booth Island, Graham Coast, and rising to 635m at Cléry Peak (q.v.), was mapped by FAE, 1903-05, and named Mont Lacroix after François-Antoine-Alfred Lacroix (1863-1948), French mineralogist and geologist; member of the Commission des Travaux Scientifiques for FAE, 1903-05 and 1908-10, who signed the instructions for the latter expedition (Charcot, 1906b, p.41, 473; 1908, map p.36; BA, 1916, p.407). Mont Rouillé [=rusty mountain], so called descriptively by sailors in the expedition ship Français (Gourdon, 1908, p.21). Massif Lacroix (Matha and Rey, 1911, p.65). Mount Lecroix [sic] (BA, 1930, p.85). Mount Lecroix [sic] Peninsula (USHO, 1943, p.136). Monte Lecroix [sic] (Argentina. MM chart 106, 1949). Mount Lacroix (APC, 1955, p.13; BA chart 3572, 25.vii.1958). The mountain was photographed from the air by FIDASE, 1956-57. Monte Lacroix (Argentina. MM, 1960b, p.146; Pierrou, 1970, p.461).

Mount Lacroix (USA) 65° 03' 00.0" S 63° 58' 00.0" W Mountain
Name ID: 127698 Place ID: 7993

Prominent mountain with red vertical cliffs and a rounded summit, 640 m, surmounting the NE end of Booth Island, in the Wilhelm Archipelago. First charted by the FrAE, 1903-05, under Charcot and named by him after Alfred Lacroix (1863-1948) French mineralogist and geologist; member of the scientific commission for FrAe, 1903-05 and 1908-10.

Showing all 4 place names.

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