SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 5 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Lallemand Fjord (RUS) 67° 00' 00.0" S 66° 45' 00.0" W Fjord
Name ID: 118947 Place ID: 8035

Lallemand Fjord (GBR) 67° 05' 00.0" S 66° 43' 00.0" W Fjord
Name ID: 109704 Place ID: 8035

between Roux Island and Holdfast Point, Loubet Coast, was charted near its entrance by FAE, 1908-10, in January 1909 and named Fiord Lallemand, after Charles Lallemand (1857-1938), a member of the Commission des Travaux Scientifiques for the expedition (Charcot, 1912, Pl.1). Lallemand Fd. (BA chart 3175, 9.x.1914). Lallemand Bay (Rymill, 1938a, map facing p.496). Lallemand Fiord (BA chart 3175, 1.iii.1940). Lallemand Fjord (USAAF chart [LR-74], 1942; DCS 601 sheet 67 66, 1954; APC, 1955, p.13; BA chart 3571, 14.vii.1961). Bahía de Lallemand (Rymill and others, 1943, map facing p.272). Bahía Laferrand [sic] (Vila Labra, 1947, map facing p.200). Bahía Lallemand (Chile. DNH chart LII, 1947; Pierrou, 1970, p.464). Lattemand [sic] Bay, as rejected form (USBGN, 1951, p.30). The fjord was photographed from the air by FIDASE and surveyed from the ground by FIDS from "Detaille Island", 1956-57. Baia Lallemand (Zavatti, 1958, Tav. 9). Lalman-F'ord (Soviet Union. MMF chart, 1961). Seno Lallemand (Chile. DNH, 1962, p.184; IHA, 1974, p.175). Lal'man-F'yord (Soviet Union. AA, 1966, Pl.24).

Lallemand Fjord (USA) 67° 05' 00.0" S 66° 45' 00.0" W Fjord
Name ID: 127730 Place ID: 8035

Bay, 30 mi long in a N-S direction and 9 mi wide, entered between Holdfast Point and Roux Island, lying between Arrowsmith Peninsula and the W coast of Graham Land. Discovered by the FrAE, 1908-10, under Charcot, and named after Charles Lallemand (1857-1938), a member of the Bureau des Longitudes and of the scientific commission for FrAE, 1908-10.

Lallemand, bahía (ARG) 66° 40' 00.0" S 67° 10' 00.0" W Fjord
Name ID: 101311 Place ID: 8035

Lallemand, Seno (CHL) 67° 05' 00.0" S 66° 45' 00.0" W Fjord
Name ID: 105795 Place ID: 8035

Fue descubierto por la Expedición Antártica Francesa realizada entre los años 1908-1910, que dirigió el Dr. Jean B. Charcot, siendo este quien le dio el nombre de Charles Lallemand, científico francés y miembro del "Bureau des Longitudes". Seno de aproximadamente 30 millas de largo en dirección N-S y de unas 12 millas de ancho en su entrada entre cabo Rey e isla Roux; está situado al SW de la bahía Marín Darbel, en la costa W de la península Tierra de O'Higgins. El seno está constantemente cubierto por un pack ice grueso y compacto, que rompe sólo ocasionalmente en ciertas temporadas de verano.

Showing all 5 place names.

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