SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 3 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
López Nunatak (GBR) 62° 59' 00.0" S 59° 39' 00.0" W Nunatak
Name ID: 109899 Place ID: 8638

rising to 255m SE of Ash Point, Greenwich Island, was charted by CAE in 1947 and called Picacho Correa or Picacho Correo [=? post summit] (Ihl C. and Ayala, 1947, maps following p.96; Vila Labra, 1947, map p.201); later named Picachos López after Tte 1° Sergio López Angulo, Communications Officer in the frigate Iquique, CAE, 1946-47 (Chile. DNH chart 500, 1951). Picachos Teniente López (Chile. DNH chart 1405, 1961). Cerro López (Chile. DNH, 1962, p.99). Picacho López (Chile. DNH chart 1405, 1963; IHA, 1974, p.188). López Peak (Fuenzalida, 1964, map p.48). The nunatak was further charted by an RN Hydrographic Survey Unit from HMS Protector in 1964. Lopez [sic] Nunatak (BA, 1965, p.31; chart 1774, 19.vii.1968; APC, 1974, p.5). López Nunatak (APC, 1986, p.3).

López Nunatak (USA) 62° 29' 00.0" S 59° 39' 00.0" W Nunatak
Name ID: 128031 Place ID: 8638

A steep-sided granitic nunatak (275 m) located 0.9 mi SE of Ash Point on Greenwich Island, South Shetland Islands. Named by the First Chilean Antarctic Expedition for Lt. Sergio Lopez Angulo, in 1947.

López, Picacho (CHL) 62° 29' 00.0" S 59° 37' 00.0" W Nunatak
Name ID: 105864 Place ID: 8638

Denominado por la I Expedición Antártica Chilena, en honor del teniente Sergio López Angulo, durante el año 1947. Picacho situado a 7 cables de puerto Soberanía. Cumbre puntiaguda con sus bordes cortados en forma de sierra, su conformación es de tipo granítico.

Showing all 3 place names.

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