SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 4 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Moe Island (RUS) 60° 44' 00.0" S 45° 41' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 119469 Place ID: 9709

Moe Island (GBR) 60° 44' 00.0" S 45° 41' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 110186 Place ID: 9709

separated from SW Signy Island by Fyr Channel, was charted by Sørlle, 1912-13, and named after Kapt. M. Thoralf Moe, Norwegian whaling captain from Sandefjord, who applied for a whaling licence for the South Orkney Islands, 1913-14, on behalf of A/S Corral, a subsidiary of Messrs Christensen and Co., Corral, Chile (Allardyce, Despatch, 14 March 1913), and who worked in this area (Corral Point, Fyr Channel, Tioga Hill, q.v.) (Sørlle and Borge, chart, 1913; BA chart 3175,; 1775, 17.viii.1934; APC, 1955, p.15; DOS 510 South Orkney Islands, West Sheet, 1963; 210 Signy Island sheet, 1-DOS 1973). Moe Insel (Moe, chart, 1913a). Noe [sic] Island (BA, 1916, p.413). Isla Noe [sic] (Argentina. MM chart 31, 1930). The island was re-charted by DI in 1933. IÎle Moe (France. SHM, 1937, p.389). Isla Moe (Argentina. MM, 1945, p.274). Isla Noé [sic] (Argentina. IGM map, 1946). Isla Morisqueta [=deception island] (Argentina. MM, 1957b, p.7; Pierrou, 1970, p.532). The island was surveyed by FIDS from Signy, 1957-58. Ostrov Mue (Soviet Union. MMF chart, 1961). In 1967 the island was designated SPA No.13 under the Antarctic Treaty (FO, 1967, p.8).

Moe Island (USA) 60° 45' 00.0" S 45° 42' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 128999 Place ID: 9709

Island 1 mi long separated from the SW end of Signy Island by Fyr Channel, in the South Orkney Islands. Charted by Capt. Petter Sorlle, 1912-13, and named after M. Thoralf Moe of Sandefjord, Norway, a contemporary whaling captain who worked in this area.

Moe, isla (ARG) 60° 45' 00.0" S 45° 41' 00.0" W Island
Name ID: 101575 Place ID: 9709

Showing all 4 place names.

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