SCAR Gazetteer Information: Each place can have one or more entries in the SCAR Composite Gazetteer, dependant on its origin. By viewing an individual entry, you may see multiple references to the same place. SCAR uses a more general feature type coding, so each place will, in general, have multiple feature types.

Showing all 4 place names.

Name Latitude Longitude Feature Type
Baseline Nunataks (AUS) 70° 46' 10.2" S 66° 57' 45.4" E Nunatak
Name ID: 1828 Place ID: 975

A group of nunataks approximately 1700 m above sea level and rising about 30 m above the surrounding plateau on the southern face of the Aramis Range, in the Prince Charles Mountains. Visited in January, 1957, by the ANARE southern party led by William G. Bewsher.

Baseline Nunataks (RUS) 70° 46' 00.0" S 66° 55' 00.0" E Nunatak
Name ID: 116984 Place ID: 975

Baseline Nunataks (USA) 70° 46' 00.0" S 67° 01' 00.0" E Nunatak
Name ID: 122255 Place ID: 975

A small group of nunataks rising above the plateau ice 5 mi S of Mount McKenzie, along the S side of the Aramis Range, Prince Charles Mountains. Visited in January 1957 by ANARE southern party of 1956-57 led by W.G. Bewsher. This was the eastern end of a photo baseline, with Mount Hollingshead as the western end, hence the name.

Dalkøy (AUS) 69° 23' 00.7" S 76° 30' 24.7" E Island
Name ID: 975 Place ID: 3270

An island off the eastern end of the Larsemann Hills. Plotted from air photographs taken by the Lars Christensen Expedition 1936-37.

Showing all 4 place names.

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