Conditions of use

Unless otherwise noted, the following policy applies to all images, text and data viewed or downloaded from the Australian Antarctic Data Centre.

All images, text and downloadable data are copyright © Commonwealth of Australia unless otherwise stated, in which case the copyright belongs to the respective authors or data originators as indicated.

Unless otherwise marked, all images, text and downloadable data are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY). This licence lets others distribute, remix and build upon a work, even commercially, as long as they credit the original creator (and any other nominated parties). Each of our datasets has a metadata record that provides an appropriate citation to use. See the Australian Antarctic Program's Data Policy for further details of the responsibilities of the Data Centre, data custodians, and data users.

Although we strive to make our metadata records comprehensive and accurate, we recommend that you contact the data originator to discuss your intended usage. The data custodian can often provide further information about the dataset including technical details of how, why and when the data were collected.

Publicly-released data files may be downloaded directly without a user needing to have an account with the Data Centre. Download links are provided as part of each record in our metadata catalogue. A login is required for some of the Data Centre's web applications that extract data on demand from our databases, and is also required to gain access to restricted data sets or for administrative functions (e.g. data custodians).

The Australian Antarctic Division accepts no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the data.

You consent to your name, organisation, e-mail address and contact phone number being recorded and acknowledge that downloads are monitored and statistics generated by the AADC. You consent to the possibility that the Australian Antarctic Division may contact you regarding your use of downloaded data.