Profile details

Application under development!

This application is under development to make it fit in with the new site. While full functionality should still exist, the page layouts may appear incorrectly. We're working on integrating this application in to the new site and will have it ready as soon as we can.

Profile details

Profile Id 2462    
PTT Number 8403 (ARGOS Satellite data)
Species Pygoscelis adeliae (Hombron and Jacquinot,1841) (Adelie Penguin) Profile
Deployed from Béchervaise Island (details) [ 67° 35.5' S 62° 49.0' E]
Deployed period From 12-Dec-1991 12:00 UT to 2-Jan-1992 12:00 UT
Campaign 1991/92 - Adelie penguins from Berchervaise Island (Campaign details | profiles)
Data filter settings Minimum Location Quality -
Data and Maps
No map
Data reporting
There is no pass data